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What Are Meta Tags in SEO | What are The Best Practices For Meta Tags | Types and Importance of Meta Tags

Meta tags are a code of information that informs the search engine about the webpage.

These tags are not visible on the webpage but on the source code and on search engines: which made you click this article.

The title you saw!

Do Meta Tags Help in SEO?

Yes, they do help in SEO.

How? See, the actual purpose of meta tags is to help search bots understand the content of your webpage and then, when a user made a search, would make them see your page based on their analysis and how relevant your page is.

Now there are many types of meta tags that are used.

And not all are beneficial for SEO.


Meta Title/Title Tags

The Meta Title is the first thing that a visitor sees on the SERPs. It is a summary about what your page is all about.

<title>Your Title</title>

Why it’s important for SEO:

Meta Titles are significant because it gives users a quick overview of the content of a user query and why it’s relevant.
So, it acts like a prime piece of information which directly impacts users to click on the SERPs, so it’s important to use top-notch titles on your web pages.

Best practices

  • Make a unique meta title for each page;
  • Quality description;
  • Be relevant to search intent;
  • Include your target keyword;
  • Keep it under 60 characters.
Meta Description

The Meta Description is the second thing a visitor sees, beneath the Meta Title.
It is equally important as the Meta Title.

<meta name=”description” content=”my awesome webpage.”>

Why it’s important for SEO:

A meta description tag should always inform its users with a short summary of what a specific page is about.
It convinces the user that this page is exactly what they’re looking for.

According to Google, meta descriptions are not a direct ranking factor.

Best practices

  • Write a unique description for every page;
  • Summarize content accurately;
  • Be relevant to search intent;
  • Include your target keyword;
  • Keep it under 160 characters;
Meta Keywords

The Meta Keywords are those keywords that are invisible on the SERPs but are present on the source code of the website.

It helps us in getting more ranking on other keywords we wish to rank for.

To extract most out of your on-page work, don’t overlook the small things that add up to the big picture.
Few meta tags must be present, as they make up the taxonomy of your webpage.
Others tags may not be important, but they can help you in getting ahead of competitors.
I hope you have learned from our article “What are Meta tags”.

To extract most out of your on-page work, don’t overlook the small things that add up to the big picture.

Few meta tags must be present, as they make up the taxonomy of your webpage.

Others tags may not be important, but they can help you in getting ahead of competitors.

I hope you have learned from our article “What are Meta tags”.

Meta Robots

The Meta Robots Tags informs the search engine bot whether to index this page or not.

Why it’s important for SEO

Using the wrong the meta robots tag in your website can have a negative impact on your site’s presence in the search results pages. 

All SEO efforts depend on you understanding this tag and using it accurately..

Now learn what includes in this tag:

  • index: tell crawlers to index the webpage;
  • noindex: tell crawlers not to index the webpage;
  • follow: tell crawlers to crawl links on the webpage, and that you also confirm/approve for them;
  • nofollow: tell crawlers not to crawl links on the webpage, and that no support for them.

You can use any of the below mentioned combinations:

<meta name=”robots” content=”noindex, nofollow”>

<meta name=”robots” content=”index, follow”>

<meta name=”robots” content=”noindex, follow”>

<meta name=”robots” content=”index, nofollow”>


Alt text

Image optimization has become a very important part of advanced SEO, as it offers an extra chance to rank in the search results, this time with your visual content.

<img src=”img_boy.jpg” alt=”Boy in a jacket” width=”500″ height=”600″>

Canonical Tag

If you have duplicate or identical pages on your site then you have to inform search engines which one is your MAIN PAGE.

<link rel=”canonical” href=”

Social Meta Tags

These are the tags that control the way your content is displayed on social platforms rather than they generate headline, description and image for you.

Importance of Meta tags

  1. Helps visitors understand what your page is all about – Meta Tags helps the users understand the webpage before they actually visit your page.

    Users first read your meta title and meta description, through which they get a summary of your webpage.

  2. Better ranking of your targeted keywords – Meta tags are significant when a bots/crawlers takes time to understand what a web page is all about.
    A keyword focused meta tag would decide both the visibility and rankings of a webpage on a search engine.
    Additionally, meta tags also help you rank for close alternatives of keywords you use.

  3. Increase relevance – Meta tags are read by crawlers and then they are shown on search engines result pages.
    Thus, they increase the relevance of the website for the visitors.
  4. Better SEO – Overall, meta tags are one of the important steps of search engine optimization which cannot be overlooked!
    By knowing how to effectively use meta tags in SEO you can perform better optimization of a website.
    A good meta tag, especially a good meta description, can increase CTR of your website.

Meta Tag Best Practices For 2021 and Beyond

  1. Write Catching TitleThe title serves as an advertiser of your webpage.
    It draws the attention of your readers from the SERPs.
    So, it is very important to craft a catch title for a particular web page.

  2. Don’t Ignore Description – As the title is the first thing visitors sees, what about the second one?
    Writing a readable description filled with your focused keywords can enhance the  click-through rate for a specific webpage.

  3. Uniqueness – Both your meta title and meta description should be unique and must be not previously used by you.

What are Meta tags: Conclusion

To extract most out of your on-page work, don’t overlook the small things that add up to the big picture.
Few meta tags must be present, as they make up the taxonomy of your webpage.
Others tags may not be important, but they can help you in getting ahead of competitors.
I hope you have learned from our article “What are Meta tags”.

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What Are Meta Tags in SEO | What are The Best Practices For Meta Tags | Types and Importance of Meta Tags
Article Name
What Are Meta Tags in SEO | What are The Best Practices For Meta Tags | Types and Importance of Meta Tags
Meta tags are a code of information that informs the search engine about the webpage. These tags are not visible on the webpage but on the source code and on search engines: which made you click this article. The title you saw!
Author Name

Yugam Mehta

I am a certified digital marketer and I am sharing latest SEO, Search Engine and Internet Marketing News on my platform.

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