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How to Optimize for Google Featured Snippets Box

Our Guide on how to optimize for Google Featured Snippets Box will clear all your queries.
So, let’s start!!!

Every SEO professional knows that featured snippets are powerful and aims to target their content.

The Google Featured Snippets help you boost your brand image and provide you more organic traffic from SERPs.

So, knowing the tricks on how to optimize for Google featured snippets is of much significance.. 

What is a Google Featured Snippet?

Google Featured Snippets are the short content snippets that appear on the first position of the Google SERPs. 

The main motive of the Google featured snippets is to provide a quick solution to the user’s query right there in the top search results.

Optimizing for featured snippets can help Google better understand what your page is about and when your page serves the best answer for a relevant search query.

Types of Featured Snippets You Can Target

When you are planning to optimize for google featured snippets, you need to understand the types of featured snippets available for you to target.

  1. Paragraph Featured Snippets
  2. Listicle Featured Snippets
  3. Table Featured Snippets
  4. Video Featured Snippets

1. Paragraph Featured Snippets

Do you know 70% of featured snippets are the paragraph type in the US alone?

Most paragraphs featured snippets start with What, Why Who, and When indicating that they are to a great extent informational in nature.

Pro Tip: Target the question keywords with a low Keyword Difficulty (KD) score to win the position in the paragraph featured snippets

2. Listicle Featured Snippets

On average Listicle Featured Snippets represent 19% of search results on the SERP.

You will observe two types of listicle featured snippets: ordered and unordered lists.

Ordered lists – These are shown/visible when queries require a step-by-step guide.

Unordered lists – These are shown/visible when queries do not require a step-by-step guide.

Pro Tip: To rank for Listicle Featured Snippets focus on “How” and “Why” keyword terms with low/moderate search volumes.

3. Table Featured Snippets

Around 6.3% of US search results are of the Table Featured Snippets.

These types of snippets are visible when search queries need comparisons answers on the SERP.

Pro Tip: To optimize for Table Featured Snippets, mark up relevant content in a table format using the table tags in HTML.

4. Video Featured Snippets

On Google, only 4.6% of US search results are Video Featured Snippets.

Pro Tip: If your potential targeted audience depends on video content, the video featured snippets are your way to success. 

Find the keywords with low search volume and you can see the results

7 Step Guide on How to Optimize for Google Featured Snippets Box

Below is a 7 step process on how to get featured snippets ranked in the right way:

  1. Identify the Competitors Featured Snippets Keywords
  2. Analyze and Categorize the Keywords based on its type
  3. Understand the User Intent
  4. Update/Create Content
  5. Format the Content
  6. Add Quality Graphics
  7. Execute other SEO Tactics

Pro tip: Target question keywords by adding a FAQ section or by adding heading tags.

To know more follow the below links:

How to Optimize for Google Featured Snippets Box
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How to Optimize for Google Featured Snippets Box
The Google Featured Snippets help you boost your brand image and provide you more organic traffic from SERPs. So, learning how to optimize for Google featured snippets is of much significance..
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Yugam Mehta

I am a certified digital marketer and I am sharing latest SEO, Search Engine and Internet Marketing News on my platform.

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