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Google Confirmed Update on How it Creates Web Page Titles for SERPs

Google’s latest blog “An update to how we generate web page titles” has officially confirmed on Tuesday August 24, 2021, that they are updating the way it generates web page titles in search results.

Google’s Danny Sullivan, confirm this update.

Last week, we introduced a new system of generating titles for web pages. Before this, titles might change based on the query issued. This generally will no longer happen with our new system. This is because we think our new system is producing titles that work better for documents overall, to describe what they are about, regardless of the particular query.

Google’s new system generates titles for web pages not on the basis of user query the searcher entered into the search box but now with the help of its latest system  Google will be able to create titles that best “describe what they are about, regardless of the particular query.

As was observed by those within the SEO industry last week, Google is in fact replacing web page titles with other on-page text:

Google said:

“Also, while we’ve gone beyond HTML text to create titles for over a decade, our new system is making even more use of such text. In particular, we are making use of text that humans can visually see when they arrive at a web page. We consider the main visual title or headline shown on a page, content that site owners often place within
< H1> tags, within other header tags, or which is made large and prominent through the use of style treatments.”

Google explained its reasons why they are using more than the HTML title tag?

Guru Sullivan said: HTML title tags don’t always describe a page well because:

  • Too long
  • Stuffed with keywords
  • Contain no text or boilerplate text

Overall, our update is designed to produce more readable and accessible titles for pages. In some cases, we may add site names where that is seen as helpful. In other instances, when encountering an extremely long title, we might select the most relevant portion rather than starting at the beginning and truncating more useful parts.

More Info on Google Web Page Titles Update

Google still gives importance to HTML Title Tags.
As 80% of the SERPs would HTML title tags and are still the primary way to produces titles.
So, site owners/SEO professional must 
focus on creating great HTML title tags.

Points to Note Down on Google Web Page Titles Update

  1. Before this update Google was using user query to generate titles on search engines results.
  2. As the old method is not in use Google has began using the new system to generate more readable titles.
  3. Google’s primary way to generate web page titles would be HTML Tags.
    That would more than 80% of the time.
  4. Google can also use “text” present in a webpage (other than the title tags) for search engine results, that users can visually see when they arrive at a web page.
  5. Google can also consider to use “text within links” that point at pages.

Actions to be Followed:

  1. Try to write best attractive H1 tag which describes the page well enough.
  2. Forget keyword stuffing in heading tags.
  3. Try to write title tags within in the prescribed limits.
Google Confirmed Update on How it Creates Web Page Titles for SERPs
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Google Confirmed Update on How it Creates Web Page Titles for SERPs
An update to how we generate web page titles. Google shared its latest updated on Tuesday 24th august, where they confirmed their latest update on how they created webpages titles in the SERPs.
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Yugam Mehta

I am a certified digital marketer and I am sharing latest SEO, Search Engine and Internet Marketing News on my platform.

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