Google Search Ranking Algorithm Update November 4th and 5th 2022 - Unconfirmed

On November 4th, Google rolled out another unconfirmed algorithm update. This is the first unconfirmed update for the month of November.

What People Are Saying About This Update?

1. My miraculous October 28th recovery is still going. As of today I have almost completely reversed Spam Update, Product Reviews Update, September Core Update and Helpful Content Update.

2. Anyone else seeing some movement today? (UK manufacturing/soft furnishings) 3. Yes. Only way to describe it is a major crash in traffic early this morning. I'm down about 80%. Ecom/USA

4. Another big drop since Friday. We are down to 40%. And we are now replaced with websites that are not even related to our niche, like Hardware Stores. It would be like we would sell sausages in your tech. Related shop and would rank for it.

All our competitors are down, too. it seems that google has to compensate for the lost revenue from last quarter.

Tracking Tools

Over the next 24 hours, those signals got more stronger. Let's see the tools: